Sunday, October 18, 2009

tick tock

Much gratitude to Kiki who took the time to answer my question about my reticence to start a blog, what if I die tomorrow and she reminded me to not over think it. Wow. Did she ever nail it! If I could get paid for overthinking things I would be richer than that 1% who hold all of the money and assets in the world.

I had this erroneous notion that this second year of BGI would not be as intense as the first year. Boy was I wrong. I am still reeling from intensive one and having a hard time integrating last year with this year. I wish I could just slow down time so I could think and gather those nebulous thought clouds from around my head. I keep bumping up against all of these competing commitments regarding my personal brand and the road to success. Creativity and right livelyhood and my personal brand are at a crossroads. I am beginning to wake up the fact that I was attracted to BGI because I don't have a clearly defined identity. My great strength of dexterity as a social chameleon has now become my weakness. I am having serious trouble separating me out from others. My self is buried. Sifting through the layers are exhausting. I just want to stop time, sleep, catch up on all my reading, meditate, eat and then wake up only my son so I could spend time with him and only him without the tick tock of the clock breathing down my neck.

1 comment:

  1. Mauri,
    I sympathize with the second year wakeup call. Somehow I thought that without Accounting everything would be easier. For me it's the same workload, just more engaging.

    Regarding Personal Brand and Creativity & Right Livelihood... I wonder if there really is any conflict. As I see it, Personal Brand is about who we ARE more than what we DO. When I look back at journals I wrote 5, 10, 20 years ago, there is a consistent thread that runs through them in terms of what matters to me. That is the basis of my personal brand. I could do anything for a living, but I would still bring who I am to it. In my case it's passion, creation, and collaboration. I think the Creativity and Right Livelihood class is taking us in the same direction: who are we, at our core? How can we express that in the world?

    I know you to be a very beautiful being, and if you asked, I would suggest trusting yourself to own the huge power you hold.
